Thursday, May 10, 2007

I put my pain management knowledge to good use today...

So my boss (well, one of the partners in the group) broke up a dog fight and in the process, broke a finger one one hand and messed up the other hand pretty bad =) .

Of course, they gave her Vicodin for the pain (which, honestly, doesn't work for many people) so I told her that my doctor said I could take advil at the same time as the Vicodin. For me, that worked like a charm, and also helps with the swelling (and Vicodin does nothing for swelling btw). Anyway, I hope for her sake that helps, it really sucks to have that kind of pain when you don't have use of your hands and feel obligated to be at work.

In other news, I watched "Stick It" last night. It's a gymnastics movie which was actually pretty entertaining. I wish there was more gymnastics in it but I understand that finding that many good gymnasts to be stunt doubles is probably hard. Plus the lead actress in the movie seemed WAY TOO TALL to be an elite gymnast, but that's just my opinion. Anyway, if you like Gym, rent it, it's fun. Missy Elliot also does this really good song for the soundtrack, called "We run this - Stick It edit"

That's it for now. 2 posts in a row - pretty good! ~C

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